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  • +91 9703676184, +91 7010068654
Brother Bruce Ropson


Brother Bruce was born in a Protestant Christian family, following all the traditional Christian activities until the age of 20.

Later, when he started working, he had shown himself as a good person inside the family. However, outside of the family, he led an unrighteous life. He was addicted to smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol. He had even gone to 'parrot astrology' and showed his hand to know the future. After few days, Lord broke the hand which was shown to the astrologer. But still he did not recognize Lord Jesus' commandments.

He got married at the age of 29 to Miss. Jaslin Jebasti. Within few months of their marriage, he had an issue with the job and the salary wasnot paid by the employer. They therefore decided to come back from Hyderabad to Chennai. It was then that he started seeking the Lord continuously, to change the situation of his life. Our Lord mercifully entered to his life at that time (Halleluiah). He changed his heart to seek Him thirstily. Lord promised to change the situation of the life (according to His promise He provides everything in brother Bruce's life – what a great GOD who fulfills the promise we serve).

There was a secret prayer behind this wonderful salvation. Yes, it was made by sister Jaslin Jebasti by pouring her heart unto the Lord. She had testified this only two years after brother's salvation. Brother had seen her praying all this time, kneeling and weeping, but did not know the cry was for him. What an amazing GOD we serve.

Brother was led by the Spirit of the Lord to pray for the perishing souls. Holy Spirit teaches the method of prayer & the doctrine. He has not attended any theology classes. There was a covenant between brother & GOD and so GOD teaches the doctrines. Brother got the High Calling according Luke 10:3,9 "Go your way; behold, I send you out as lambs among wolves….and heal the sick there, and say to them, 'The kingdom of God has come near to you.'"   He was anointed by the Lord while praying alone in a room. He was in part of a missionary organization voluntarily as a prayer coordinator in Hyderabad for almost 5 years and travelled many places of Telangana to do the ministry of GOD.

Lord called him for and gave the mission field of his spouse's native in the year 2009 and gave a ministry name as well, 'Disciples of Christ Ministries – DCM' in year 2012. Lord sent them to the mission field in March 2018. DCM Started on 9th July 2016 at Chennai. Lord enabled us to register the Trust in March 2017.

Lord kept a burden for the poor & needy ones and gave the vision to feed the destitute, according to the challenging question, "As Iled the Israelites in the desert for 40 long years with all the provisions, will I not provide for you;is the Lord's hand shortened? Believing this word, a Charitable Ministry, 'CITY OF REFUGE' has started and is registered as another Trust in May 2017 for this social activity.

Sister Jaslin Jebasti

Sister Jaslin Bruce was born in a CSI Christian family in a village called North Veppilankulam (Perpillankulam).

Our Lord gave her wisdom to follow Him earnestly from a young age. She used to gather people to pray whenever she used to find time. Also, a regular prayer was organized by gathering young girls & women in the village. Many used to come for personal prayers and our Lord honored those prayers. Glory to GOD. Lord used her as a Sunday School teacher, Youth teacher & VBS director. In the year 2004, she saw a vision, calling her for Lord's Ministry.

She got married to Mr. Bruce in September 2008. Only after that she came to know about her spouse, that he is into addiction with drugs. She prayed to the LORD for his salvation. Lord touched his life after the prayers and called him for His ministry. She prayed for his family member's salvation and Lord touched them too. Glory to GOD!

Sister & Brother together received the calling of the Lord and are doing the ministry together. They go to ministry as a family and touch the lives and release the people from the bondages. Lord is using both for His kingdom.