• info@disciplesofchristm.com
  • +91 9703676184, +91 7010068654

Those who are led by God can join us with this Heavenly vison. Lord of Host bless us out of Zion. Amen.

  • Prayer Team – Get connected to our prayer team to pray with the burden for the perishing souls in our nation India. Pray for all the Missions & Ministries in India.
  • Monthly Support to DCM – Get involved in the ministries by sending your kind offerings.
  • Monthly Support to CoR – Remember the poor with your monthly support.
  • Monthly Support to Widows – Specific help to the widows in need, as it is written 1 Timothy 5:3, "Honor widows who are really widows."
  • Child Education – Help the children who are desperately looking for the help for education fees and monthly needs.
  • Semi-Orphaned – Help children where one parent has passed away, with education fees and monthly requirements.
  • Bible Distribution – Provide full Bible to those who are not able to procure and earnestly looking for it.
  • Church Plantation – Let's plant the Church for GOD in the needy places.
  • DCM Prayer House – Get involved to build a House of Prayer @ North VeppilanKulamvillage.
  • New Orphanage Land – Project according to heavenly vison. Get involved.
  • Build an Orphanage – According to the desire & will of GOD, the future establishment of the orphanage will include not only children, but also elders. Get involved.
  • New Local TV Channel – TV Channel for 5 districts of Kanyakumari, Tirunelveli, Tuticorin, Viruthunager & Ramanathapuram.
  • TV Ministries – Weekly programs can be sponsored and supported to make Disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ.
  • Channel Building construction – To establish an own Channel, toreach the Discipleship Mission.
  • Christmas Gift – Yearly planner to support Widows, Abandoned, Disconsolate, Poor & Destitute. Let's remember them to show the love of Christ.
  • Missionary Support – Enhancing and equipping a disciple to proclaim the Gospel in our nation.
  • Village Ministry – Regular evangelism in villages at 6 districts of Kanyakumari, Tirunelveli, Tenkasi, Tuticorin, Viruthunager & Ramanathapuram.