• info@disciplesofchristm.com
  • +91 9703676184, +91 7010068654
DCM's Mission


  • To Spread the Gospel and Make Disciples of Jesus Christ
    To make disciples of Christ, by following His commandment in Matthew 28: 19, 20 "Go…teach all nations…to observe all things I…have commanded you…"
  • To Pray for the Perishing
    As written in Ezekiel 22:30, "…I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it…", to pray with the burden of our Lord for the souls who are all perishing with sin, sickness, bondage, curse, attacks from the devil and to bring deliverance from our Almighty GOD.
  • To Remember the Poor
    We see in John 13:29, "…give something to the poor", that our Lord Jesus himself had the habit of remembering the poor. In the same way, let us remember the poor and needy ones by giving/helping them.
  • To Die for Christ
    Like Paul says in Acts 21:13 "…for I am ready not only to be bound, but also to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus." and in Philippians 1:21, "For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain", we confess to even die for Christ for the sake of faith on Him.
DCM's Vision


  • Reviving Churches
    • Preaching in Churches to bring them towards the Cross and to the will of GOD, as in the ancient days of an apostles
    • Growing into the Discipleship among the nations wherever believers are
  • Media Ministries
    • Publishing and posting audio and video messages in social media, television
    • Daily meditation writing on the Word of GOD
  • Humanitarian Services
    • Feeding the needy ones, with the immense vision of the Lord, who posed a challenging question, asking if His hand is shortened, as in Deuteronomy – 29:5" And I have led you forty years in the wilderness: your clothes are not waxen old upon you, and thy shoe is not waxen old upon thy foot."
    • Remembering the poor by providing a provision to Widows, Orphaned & Semi- Orphaned
  • Educational Services
    • Supporting children who need education
    • Vision to run an educational institution
  • Evangelism & Church Planting
    • Preaching the Gospel in villages & building Churches in places of need
    • Sending missionaries to the places of need in the southern districts of Tamil Nadu
  • Discipleship & Training
    • Train new believers in Christ as His disciples
    • Equipping believers to proclaim the Gospel of Christ
  • Medical Ministries
    • Vison to have a medical camp in the rural areas where the people do not get proper medications
    • Show the love of Christ to them